Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Maintain Professionalism.... It's really hard sometimes.

When teachers don't do what's best for our children it is not only frustrating, but it makes it so difficult to maintain a professional relationship with those teachers. The education profession is challenging every single day; and if you're not up for the challenge then you are in the wrong profession.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If I Get One More Parent Call or Email I'm Going To Scream!

I've received more parent calls and emails in the last 5 weeks than I'd care to count. Some parents are upset because of something their child has shared with them. Unfortunately they don't have all of the information. In other cases, the teachers are dropping the ball. As the principal, I'm only going to support teachers if they are supportable.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can I Make It Until The End of The Year?

Yesterday was, by far, the strangest day I've ever had a principal. I had a teacher not show up for work. She didn't call in and when we tried to reach her we were unable to do so. She was truly MIA.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Maybe I Should Have Stayed In My Office

As I conducted walk-throughs this afternoon I started wishing I should have stayed in my office. One of the classrooms was out of control. It took everything I had not to just take over. Another classroom was filled with so much negativity. I walked away wondering what could be done to help these teachers.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Circus Juggler

I felt like a juggler in the circus today. I was juggling ARD meetings and office referrals all day. I definitely earned my pay today.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dallas Student Inspires Teachers

Special Education Students

Everyday I become increasingly curious as to why some teachers have such low expectations of our special education students. Do they not realize that special education students can learn. They just learn differently. LD does not stand for Lower D expectations.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Data Drives Decision

Today was a good day. I conducted 5 classroom walk-throughs and one 45 minute observation. I also facilitated a lead teacher meeting after school. My meeting agenda included student data, goal setting, and special education students.

Every decision we make for our students should be based on data. We should be constantly collecting data and discussing better/different ways to reach our struggling students. We should also remember to have high expectations for all students; including special education students.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Need To Talk To You About My Child's Attendance

A mom came in the other day and wanted to talk to me about her son's attendance. He has been picked up early several times this year and mom wanted to let me know what was going on with her family. I soon discovered that mom is ill and has to receive weekly treatment for the next few months so her son has to be picked up early.
I'm sure it was difficult for this mom to share such personal information; but I'm so glad she decided to share this information with me. The student's absences will be excused until mom completes treatment.

This is just another great example why it's so important to keep the lines of communication open.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Why Do You Have To Work So Late?

People seem to always be amazed at the fact that as a principal I may not leave school until 5:00 or 6:00. Most principals get the bulk of their work done after the students and teachers are gone. It's almost impossible to get anything done when there are endless interruptions from teachers who need help with this and help with that; and students who are misbehaving and cannot remain in the classroom. Today was a longer day than most because of our PTA meeting.

7:30-7:50 Greet Students
7:50-7:58 Prepare for announcements. Prep students on what they will need to do.
8:00-8:03 Announcements
8:03 Return parent call. (I had to leave a message)
8:05-8:25 Meet with one of our paraprofessionals to work on a plan to provide breakfast for students who can't afford to pay.
8:25-8:45 Check emails (This goes on throughout the day; and on any given day I might have 60 or more emails.)
8:45-8:50 Approve field trips
8:50-9:10 Unexpected meeting with a teacher about some students she's having problems with in the classroom.
9:10-9:20 Meet with the lead custodian to discuss some materials that are needed.
9:20 Leave for my principal's meeting
10:00-1:30 Principal's meeting (software and student data is discussed)
1:30 Pick up custodial materials
2:15 Arrive back at school
2:15-2:30 Unexpected meeting with a teacher about a few of her students
2:30-3:05 Reviewed campus data for grades 3-5
3:05 Called down to a classroom to help with dismissal. (I was with this class for 10 minutes. I helped escort them to their dismissal areas)
3:15 Another unscheduled meeting with a teacher. She needs advice about how to handle a conference with a parent.
3:25 Tried to contact the parent I called earlier in the day since I hadn't heard from her. I had to leave another message.
3:30-4:20 Meeting with a group of teachers to discuss the results of a survey we administered to our students about school safety.
4:20-5:00 Checked emails and complete paperwork all the while getting interrupted by teachers with a variety of questions.
5:00 Go get dinner
5:20-6:00 Brought my dinner back and ate as I check more emails and completed more paperwork.
6:00-7:00 PTA board meeting
7:00-7:30 PTA Student Performance
7:30-7:35 I talked to parents and thanked them for coming out. One parent told me how much she likes the changes that have taken place since I've been at this school. Another parent wanted to know what measures were in place to prevent the spread of swine flu.
7:35-7:40 Checked my last few emails and prepared to leave.
7:50 Arrived at home

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who's That At The Door?

I'm at my computer working on an agenda for our upcoming staff development and I hear a noise at my door. I turn around and a student is coming through my door visibly upset. The student sits in one of my chairs and refuses to respond when I ask why she's in my office. I inform the student that I'm going to continue to work and when she's ready to talk I will be ready to listen. She then crawls under my desk and sits there for a few minutes. As I work at my computer she stands up and tells me she's ready to talk. I soon discover that she the reason she was upset is because she wasn't able to pass out folders in the classroom. Wow! If I got this upset every time I didn't get to do what I wanted I'd be in big trouble.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Once A Teacher Always A Teacher

I thought that once I became a principal my days of teaching lessons was over. Boy was I ever wrong. I had two students in my office today and I spent much of my time helping them with their assignments and teaching skills they have yet to master. There was little time for me to do my work because I was doing the teacher's work, teaching. Of course it's not the teacher's fault. A student shouldn't stay in the classroom when he is hitting, kicking, and refusing to do what the teacher asks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best Princeable Ever

When I returned from a meeeting yesterday morning I had a note on my desk from one of my students and it read "Once upon a time there was a princeable name Mrs. __________ She is super nice. She is the best princeable ever." It's days like this that remind me why I show up everyday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If your want your child to be success you have to be consistent with consequences and rewards.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gynaecological Exam

I've been an educator for many years and I have never had a parent ask if our clinic performed paps smears. Yes you read it right. A parent came to enroll her son and she asked the office staff if our clinic performed paps smears.

We educate, discipline, feed, and sometimes clothe students. Are we now going to be required to perform physical exams.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Keep them at Home

If your child is throwing up before they come to school please keep them at home.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Training All Week

I have been in training most of the week (3 days) and I can only imagine what awaits me in the morning. Each day I've been away from the building I've had at least 70 emails each day; and I'm sure I'll have plenty of paperwork in my basket when I return tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Safe and Civil Schools and Diversity

I received training, along with the staff on how to create a more safe, and more civil school; and about how to embrace our diverse population of students. The training was great! It just reinforced how we need to continue putting students first regardless of who they are or where they come from.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today was a good day

Today I was able to complete 11 classroom walk-throughs and put a dent in the ever growing paperwork.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why do some teachers think Principals have all the answers?

It always amazes me how many time teachers come to me expecting me to have all of the answers and to solve all of their problems. When I was in the classroom I never looked to my principal for the answers. I knew my students best and it was up to me to figure out the best way to teach them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Train Keeps Moving

What a busy day. I feel like I'm on a train that won't stop. So much to accomplish before the students return on Monday.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Master Schedule

I can't really decide if everyone is happy about the master schedule, but a schedule cannot be created to benefit individuals. It must be created to benefit students.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Staff Handbok
I'm not sure what takes longer.... writing a staff handbook or presenting it to the staff. I wonder how many staff members actually read it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interview Feedback

I emailed an applicant for an aide position to inform him that he was not selected for the position and he asked if I would call him to give him feedback on the interview. I thought that was an awesome request so I called him later that evening. I shared with him the things he did right and the things he might want to improve. It felt good giving this interview feedback.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Teacher Aide

I think I found an aide for our Pre-K classroom.

She seems like:

1. Someone who loves children.
2. Someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure students are successful.
3. Someone who considers education a career and not a job.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

In Search Of A New Teacher

About 2 weeks ago I discovered that I would have to replace my 5th grade science teacher. Initially I was a little anxious about the thought of having to find a science teacher during summer vacation, but then I stopped and took a breath and realized that it would all work out for the best. So guess what I'll be doing this week.... interviewing applicants. I know I'm going to find someone great. I need someone who thinks of teaching as their career and not their job. Believe it or not there's a big difference.
Rate Your Child's School

Did you know you can go to and rate your child's school.

Why Do You Have To Go Back To School So Early?

You can't imagine how many times I hear the question..."Why do you have to go back to school so early?" I guess the general public has no idea what is involved in running a school; and as principal I can list a number of reasons why I need to go back to school in July. First there's training I have to attend. I have to prepare a staff letter to welcome the staff back, prepare parent letters and parent handbooks, fine tune the master schedule and the staff handbook, interview and hire new staff. These are just a few reasons I have to go back so early.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Are You Seriously Yelling At The Teacher?

It's amazing to me how some students do not hesitate before yelling at their teacher(s). They raise their voice and yell and don't think twice about being incredibly disrespectful. One of our students didn't like what the teacher asked him to do so he began talking back and eventually yelling in the teacher's face. How can any teaching take place when disruptive behavior like this happens more often than you could imagine.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Hate This School

I was wondering what was going through this child's mind when he started wandering around the classroom yelling "I hate this school". Could it have been something the teacher said or did? Probably not. I've found that often times the most disruptive student creates a disruption because he or she (usually he) is avoiding an academic task. The avoidance is there because he/she is below grade level and doesn't feel capable of completing the task.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've got to get motivated

I've got to get motivated. I will be back at school on Tuesday and there is so much to do before I even hit the campus.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones...... And Yes, Words Really Hurt

A student was brought to the office because he spit on another student and said he would kill him. All of this because the student wouldn't get off the swing. Educators have to teach so much more than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Get Off The Wall

A teacher asked a student to get off the wall while the class was lined up in the hallway and the student responds by saying, "Okay B#@#*. This is what I'm confronted with as I walk out of my office to visit some classrooms. Needless to say, those classroom visits were put on hold.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I thought I was on Vacation

Even though we have summers off our work is never done. My last day was June 15th; however when I checked my email yesterday I had at least 50 emails. I hope they're not actually expecting a response because I do believe I'm on vacation. Now of course I say all of that but I'm sure I'll spend part of my vacation responding to emails, working on the master schedule, and many more things before I return in July. School seems to always be in session for me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Urinating on the Floor

I'm wondering if we need to spend more time reviewing appropriate restroom procedures. Maybe if we did we wouldn't have a student taking his pants down in class and urinating on the floor. Yes, you heard right... one of our students took his pants down, urinated on the floor and then rolled around in it. I really don't have any words for this one. If only I was making this up, but I'm not.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Christmas Came Early

Christmas came a few weeks early for some of our students when one of our students brought firecrackers to school and passed them out to other students. I guess the positive side of this is that none of the students actually lit the firecrackers.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Duck and Cover

Today I was called to a classroom because a student refused to follow the teacher's directives. When I arrived the class was lined up and waiting to head over to the gym for PE class.  One student was sitting under the computer tables refusing to line up with the class.  I instructed the teacher to take the class to PE while I dealt with the student.  I asked the student why he was sitting under the table. He yelled at me.  I couldn't quite make out what he was saying so I told him I would give him 3 minutes to get himself together.  3 minutes came and went and the student was still seated on the floor.  I radioed for the assistant principal to call his mother and this really made him angry.  He yelled at me, threw a chair  across the room, and came at me with a chair raised above his head.  Needless to say, he was suspended for 3 days.  

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why do I have to spend 1/2 hour negotiating with a seven year old?  
I receive  a radio call that an administrator is needed outside.  I head outside and discover that a student has hit a classmate and when the teacher attempts to talk to the student he runs away from her.  The next 30 minutes are spent with me talking to the student about making better choices and hoping all the while that he doesn't run from me.  This wouldn't be the first time he has ran from me.  No college courses prepares you for this.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm not in the mood for this today.

I thought that maybe today I wouldn't have to deal with a disrespect student, that maybe I could spend some time with students who are making good choices.  What was I thinking?? Sure enough at 11:52 I get a knock at my back door.  A teacher needs to talk to me because one of her students got upset after lunch because he is going to miss some of his recess.  He doesn't like this decision t so he yells out "F---".  When I approach him to discuss the matter he starts walking away from me. In the back of my mind I'm thinking.... "Here we go.  I'm not in the mood for this."  "I go on to explain to the student that we can do this the hard way or the easy way.  I'm not going to chase you."  The student continues walking away from me.  At this point I tell him I will call his mom if he doesn't come to the office with me.  I then take him by the hand as he reluctantly walks with me to the office.   

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"He Got My Lunch"

I'm called to the cafeteria because a student is sitting on the floor under a table crying and refusing to get off the floor.  I arrive in the cafeteria and I'm able to talk the student into getting off the floor.  The student was upset because there was a mix up in the lunch line and another student had her lunch.  I walked her back through the line and made sure she had a lunch.  I wish I would have had time for lunch.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Shut up Stupid"

Assistant Principal is called down to the classroom to get a student. When she arrives the student is disrupting the class. She has to call for the principal for assistance. The student had to be escorted to the office. His hands had to be pried off the wall because he refused to go into the assistant principal's office. Once in her office he kicked and hit furniture and the wall. He eventually started kicking the principal and assistant principal so his shoes had to be removed. When the assistant teacher had to leave a teacher was called to the office to assist in restraining the student. As the principal and teacher discussed the situation the student continuously yelled out "Shut up stupid". When mom arrived he had to be carried to the car by the teacher and principal.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"You're Disrespecting Me"
I can already tell this is going to be a great day.  By 9:30 A.M. two students have already been suspended. The first kid is upset because the teacher asks him to have a seat and get ready to work after the announcements and he refuses to do so. Instead, he tells the teacher that he doesn't have to sit down and he can do whatever he wants to do. As the teacher continues to "reason" with him he begins yelling and tells the teacher she is disrespecting him. He then pushes the teacher and runs out of the classroom.   Of course it doesn't stop there .  Once he runs out of the building the assistant principal and I walk the hallways trying to find the student.  We quickly find the student standing outside of his classroom.  I radio the office to call the student's parents.  We are able to talk the student into coming with us to the office.  We really have to be careful how we approach this situation because this student has run from us before and on a few ocassions attempted to leave the campus.   I was just not in the mood to chase students down today.  Not to mention the fact that the other hundreds of students are being neglected right now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"This is not your office!"

You never know from one day to the next what's going to happen in the school house.  On this day the assistant principal and I were called to a classroom to get a student who was in class yelling out, hitting and kicking students.   When we arrived in the classroom the student was reluctant to come with us.  We each took a hand and walked him to the office.  Now keep in mind we had to pretty much "sweet talk" him so we wouldn't have to carry him to the office.  Once in the office the student kicked the walls, continuously yelled "This is not your office.  It's my office." We asked the student what was wrong.  We asked him why he was so upset.  Of course as usual, he refused to answer.  However, when the assistant principal and I would talk to each other he would yell out and make noises so we couldn't hear each other.  After 30 minutes or so he finally decided to talk to the assistant principal. By this time it was too late. His mom was already called and he had to go home.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"You don't tell me what to do."

Exactly how much do educators have to put up with nowadays?  Many students think they can say whatever they what to whom ever they want.  Just recently a teacher asked a student to do something and the student replied with " You don't tell me what to do."  I would say I'm surprised by this response, but very little surprises me.  Now to top it off, when mom found out about the incident she wasn't upset with her child she was upset with the fact that the teacher verbally reprimanded her child.  Mom even went on to say that she thought the teacher needed to apologize for how he treated her child.  You have got to be kidding me.