Thursday, October 08, 2009

Why Do You Have To Work So Late?

People seem to always be amazed at the fact that as a principal I may not leave school until 5:00 or 6:00. Most principals get the bulk of their work done after the students and teachers are gone. It's almost impossible to get anything done when there are endless interruptions from teachers who need help with this and help with that; and students who are misbehaving and cannot remain in the classroom. Today was a longer day than most because of our PTA meeting.

7:30-7:50 Greet Students
7:50-7:58 Prepare for announcements. Prep students on what they will need to do.
8:00-8:03 Announcements
8:03 Return parent call. (I had to leave a message)
8:05-8:25 Meet with one of our paraprofessionals to work on a plan to provide breakfast for students who can't afford to pay.
8:25-8:45 Check emails (This goes on throughout the day; and on any given day I might have 60 or more emails.)
8:45-8:50 Approve field trips
8:50-9:10 Unexpected meeting with a teacher about some students she's having problems with in the classroom.
9:10-9:20 Meet with the lead custodian to discuss some materials that are needed.
9:20 Leave for my principal's meeting
10:00-1:30 Principal's meeting (software and student data is discussed)
1:30 Pick up custodial materials
2:15 Arrive back at school
2:15-2:30 Unexpected meeting with a teacher about a few of her students
2:30-3:05 Reviewed campus data for grades 3-5
3:05 Called down to a classroom to help with dismissal. (I was with this class for 10 minutes. I helped escort them to their dismissal areas)
3:15 Another unscheduled meeting with a teacher. She needs advice about how to handle a conference with a parent.
3:25 Tried to contact the parent I called earlier in the day since I hadn't heard from her. I had to leave another message.
3:30-4:20 Meeting with a group of teachers to discuss the results of a survey we administered to our students about school safety.
4:20-5:00 Checked emails and complete paperwork all the while getting interrupted by teachers with a variety of questions.
5:00 Go get dinner
5:20-6:00 Brought my dinner back and ate as I check more emails and completed more paperwork.
6:00-7:00 PTA board meeting
7:00-7:30 PTA Student Performance
7:30-7:35 I talked to parents and thanked them for coming out. One parent told me how much she likes the changes that have taken place since I've been at this school. Another parent wanted to know what measures were in place to prevent the spread of swine flu.
7:35-7:40 Checked my last few emails and prepared to leave.
7:50 Arrived at home

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