Sunday, November 21, 2010

Enough Is Enough

How much do teachers have to put up with before a student is permanently removed from their room?  Disruptive behavior has really gotten out of hand and administrators' hands are tied.   Students are cursing at teachers in the classroom, throwing shoes, knocking over desk, hitting teachers, and much more.  At best, principals suspend students for such disruptive behavior, but the student returns in a few days, and in most cases continue the disruptive behavior.  The other students, the innocent bystanders, don't deserve to be exposed to this type of behavior, and they certainly don't deserve to miss all of this valuable instructional time. Enough is enough.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let The Judge Decide

Yesterday as students were dismissed for the day I was called to the front office to intervene in a custody dispute. Mom usually picks her daughter up from school but dad decides to show up and the battle begins. I search the student's files and there aren't any custody papers on file so both parents have equal rights to the student.  After 30 - 45 minutes of back and forth with both parents dad decided to leave and allow the daughter to go home with mom. What a relief... because as a principal I wear many hats but judge is not one of them.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I Hate School

Steven is a 2nd grader who has already been to the office twice this year because of disruptive behavior and throwing things in the classroom.  Steven doesn't seem very happy and when asked why he refuses to do what his teacher asks, his response is always.. I hate school.  I wonder why a 7 year old has already decided that school is not a place he wants to be.  He has a caring, compassionate teacher who wants him at school and wants him to be successful.  Every year brings about a new challenge, so I wonder what it will take to get Steven on track.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

School's Back in Session

School is back in session and it's been a smooth start so far. It's amazing how much has to get done before the children arrive; but somehow we are able to make it happen.  I hope the teachers remember to build relationships with their students and make positive contact with parents. This is critical if they want to have a success year.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of The Year

The year has come to an end and what a year it was.  This was probably one of the most difficult years of my career but my excitement and enthusiasm about next school year kept me motivated and got me through the year.  In an effort to do what's best for students I came across a number of road blocks.  Teachers had to be placed on growth plans, students needed to be evaluated for emotional disturbances, and the pressure of academic accountability was forever mounting.  If anyone thinks educating our future is an easy task then they are sadly mistaken.  If all we had to do was show up and teach students perhaps it would be easy; however, the truth of the matter is that the other things often get in the way of us teaching students.  Other things like lack of parental support, disruptive behavior from students, and mounding paperwork and administrative responsibilities.  However, even with all of this, I am still excited about the difference I know I'm making in students' lives.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Is It So Difficult To Get Rid Of A Teacher??

As I reflect on the number of teachers that are in need of assistance in my building I cannot help but ask why it's so difficult to get rid of an ineffective teacher.  After observing their class and finding areas of concern principals have to collaborate with the teacher to create a plan to help the teacher 'grow'.  Inevitably this plan becomes more work for the principal than the teacher.  Between the documentation and the follow up meetings little time is left for the "good" teachers.  Just like with students, most of our time is spent with the teachers who are making the wrong choices and wrong decisions as they try to educate our students. Now I'm not saying that teachers don't need guidance and shouldn't be allowed to grow and become better; but at what cost.  How much time should ineffective teachers have to damage students?  Students will never get that time back.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Monetize!

Blogger Buzz: Monetize!
What Does It Take To Get A Student In A Behavior Adjustment Class..... Too Long

It's amazing how much documentation is required to get a student in a Behavior Adjustment Class; and in the meantime valuable instruction time in the regular classroom is being lost every day. So much time and energy is spent on the special education student that the average student often gets overlooked. Something has to change..... and soon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No Spring Break for Me

It's Spring Break week and I'll be spending my time completing staff evaluations instead of relaxing somewhere on the beach. I want to get a jump on it because the next few months are going to be extremely busy with testing, testing, and more testing.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everything Wasn't Coming Up Roses

I started the day receiving a beautiful pink rose from one student and ended my day being calling a bitch by another student.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Get On The Bus

When is the last time your principal rode the bus home with you? Well I bet a lot of my students never imagined the principal would be riding home with them. Initially I was invited to ride by the bus driver because the students were a little unruly; however, when I got on the bus and took a seat the bus was probably the quietest it has ever been.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Special Needs

This morning the first few hours of my day were spent trying to figure out a plan for a wheelchair bound student who will be returning to school tomorrow after being out ill for several weeks. Unfortunately the illness has limited the student's mobility more than ever. Staff members had to be trained on how to assist the student in the restroom; and a plan was devised to make modifications to the restrooms that will be used. Tomorrow should be very interested.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Staff Development

Tomorrow our staff will receive staff development on Differentiated Instruction. I'm looking forward to some great staff development but my question is this.... will the staff take what they've learned and use it in the classroom? So often the staff participates in effective staff development and then they think of a million reasons why they don't have time to implement the strategies they've learned or the all too famous line... "This won't work with our students." When are we going to stop making excuses and make a change?

Monday, February 01, 2010

Under Arrest

Every day gets crazier and crazier... Today law enforcement came to school to arrest a teacher for outstanding warrants. Luckily they allowed the teacher to pay the fines online and she didn't have to be escorted out of the building in cuffs.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We Hit the Ground Running Before the Announcements

Today started off with a bang and ended with a bang. Three brothers were suspended before they ever entered the building. The resource officer and I had to take the brothers home since mom didn't have a car. After they were dropped off I headed to our district spelling bee to support our campus spelling bee winner. Upon returning I was called down to a classroom because the substitute teacher couldn't handle the class. During dismissal I had to take care of a cell phone issue. Oh... and how could I forget, a parent was arrested during dismissal.. I'm still not sure why.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All In A Day's Work

  • Make Announcements
  • Go on a Home Visit
  • Meeting with a teacher, the counselor, and the reading specialist to discuss a student's difficulty with reading. The parent was suppose to be present at the meeting but she was a no show.
  • Work on teacher schedules
  • Check and respond to 54 emails
  • Handle two office referrals

And this was all before noon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What A Mess!

Today was definitely one of those days I thought about walking out the front door. I had to chase a student that ran out of the classroom. When the student finally made it to my office she knocked everything off my desk, and bit me when I tried to stop her. I don't remember seeing any of this in my job description. All I can say is What a day!!!