Friday, June 26, 2009

I thought I was on Vacation

Even though we have summers off our work is never done. My last day was June 15th; however when I checked my email yesterday I had at least 50 emails. I hope they're not actually expecting a response because I do believe I'm on vacation. Now of course I say all of that but I'm sure I'll spend part of my vacation responding to emails, working on the master schedule, and many more things before I return in July. School seems to always be in session for me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Urinating on the Floor

I'm wondering if we need to spend more time reviewing appropriate restroom procedures. Maybe if we did we wouldn't have a student taking his pants down in class and urinating on the floor. Yes, you heard right... one of our students took his pants down, urinated on the floor and then rolled around in it. I really don't have any words for this one. If only I was making this up, but I'm not.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Christmas Came Early

Christmas came a few weeks early for some of our students when one of our students brought firecrackers to school and passed them out to other students. I guess the positive side of this is that none of the students actually lit the firecrackers.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Duck and Cover

Today I was called to a classroom because a student refused to follow the teacher's directives. When I arrived the class was lined up and waiting to head over to the gym for PE class.  One student was sitting under the computer tables refusing to line up with the class.  I instructed the teacher to take the class to PE while I dealt with the student.  I asked the student why he was sitting under the table. He yelled at me.  I couldn't quite make out what he was saying so I told him I would give him 3 minutes to get himself together.  3 minutes came and went and the student was still seated on the floor.  I radioed for the assistant principal to call his mother and this really made him angry.  He yelled at me, threw a chair  across the room, and came at me with a chair raised above his head.  Needless to say, he was suspended for 3 days.