Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why do I have to spend 1/2 hour negotiating with a seven year old?  
I receive  a radio call that an administrator is needed outside.  I head outside and discover that a student has hit a classmate and when the teacher attempts to talk to the student he runs away from her.  The next 30 minutes are spent with me talking to the student about making better choices and hoping all the while that he doesn't run from me.  This wouldn't be the first time he has ran from me.  No college courses prepares you for this.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm not in the mood for this today.

I thought that maybe today I wouldn't have to deal with a disrespect student, that maybe I could spend some time with students who are making good choices.  What was I thinking?? Sure enough at 11:52 I get a knock at my back door.  A teacher needs to talk to me because one of her students got upset after lunch because he is going to miss some of his recess.  He doesn't like this decision t so he yells out "F---".  When I approach him to discuss the matter he starts walking away from me. In the back of my mind I'm thinking.... "Here we go.  I'm not in the mood for this."  "I go on to explain to the student that we can do this the hard way or the easy way.  I'm not going to chase you."  The student continues walking away from me.  At this point I tell him I will call his mom if he doesn't come to the office with me.  I then take him by the hand as he reluctantly walks with me to the office.   

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"He Got My Lunch"

I'm called to the cafeteria because a student is sitting on the floor under a table crying and refusing to get off the floor.  I arrive in the cafeteria and I'm able to talk the student into getting off the floor.  The student was upset because there was a mix up in the lunch line and another student had her lunch.  I walked her back through the line and made sure she had a lunch.  I wish I would have had time for lunch.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Shut up Stupid"

Assistant Principal is called down to the classroom to get a student. When she arrives the student is disrupting the class. She has to call for the principal for assistance. The student had to be escorted to the office. His hands had to be pried off the wall because he refused to go into the assistant principal's office. Once in her office he kicked and hit furniture and the wall. He eventually started kicking the principal and assistant principal so his shoes had to be removed. When the assistant teacher had to leave a teacher was called to the office to assist in restraining the student. As the principal and teacher discussed the situation the student continuously yelled out "Shut up stupid". When mom arrived he had to be carried to the car by the teacher and principal.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"You're Disrespecting Me"
I can already tell this is going to be a great day.  By 9:30 A.M. two students have already been suspended. The first kid is upset because the teacher asks him to have a seat and get ready to work after the announcements and he refuses to do so. Instead, he tells the teacher that he doesn't have to sit down and he can do whatever he wants to do. As the teacher continues to "reason" with him he begins yelling and tells the teacher she is disrespecting him. He then pushes the teacher and runs out of the classroom.   Of course it doesn't stop there .  Once he runs out of the building the assistant principal and I walk the hallways trying to find the student.  We quickly find the student standing outside of his classroom.  I radio the office to call the student's parents.  We are able to talk the student into coming with us to the office.  We really have to be careful how we approach this situation because this student has run from us before and on a few ocassions attempted to leave the campus.   I was just not in the mood to chase students down today.  Not to mention the fact that the other hundreds of students are being neglected right now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"This is not your office!"

You never know from one day to the next what's going to happen in the school house.  On this day the assistant principal and I were called to a classroom to get a student who was in class yelling out, hitting and kicking students.   When we arrived in the classroom the student was reluctant to come with us.  We each took a hand and walked him to the office.  Now keep in mind we had to pretty much "sweet talk" him so we wouldn't have to carry him to the office.  Once in the office the student kicked the walls, continuously yelled "This is not your office.  It's my office." We asked the student what was wrong.  We asked him why he was so upset.  Of course as usual, he refused to answer.  However, when the assistant principal and I would talk to each other he would yell out and make noises so we couldn't hear each other.  After 30 minutes or so he finally decided to talk to the assistant principal. By this time it was too late. His mom was already called and he had to go home.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"You don't tell me what to do."

Exactly how much do educators have to put up with nowadays?  Many students think they can say whatever they what to whom ever they want.  Just recently a teacher asked a student to do something and the student replied with " You don't tell me what to do."  I would say I'm surprised by this response, but very little surprises me.  Now to top it off, when mom found out about the incident she wasn't upset with her child she was upset with the fact that the teacher verbally reprimanded her child.  Mom even went on to say that she thought the teacher needed to apologize for how he treated her child.  You have got to be kidding me.