Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who's That At The Door?

I'm at my computer working on an agenda for our upcoming staff development and I hear a noise at my door. I turn around and a student is coming through my door visibly upset. The student sits in one of my chairs and refuses to respond when I ask why she's in my office. I inform the student that I'm going to continue to work and when she's ready to talk I will be ready to listen. She then crawls under my desk and sits there for a few minutes. As I work at my computer she stands up and tells me she's ready to talk. I soon discover that she the reason she was upset is because she wasn't able to pass out folders in the classroom. Wow! If I got this upset every time I didn't get to do what I wanted I'd be in big trouble.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Once A Teacher Always A Teacher

I thought that once I became a principal my days of teaching lessons was over. Boy was I ever wrong. I had two students in my office today and I spent much of my time helping them with their assignments and teaching skills they have yet to master. There was little time for me to do my work because I was doing the teacher's work, teaching. Of course it's not the teacher's fault. A student shouldn't stay in the classroom when he is hitting, kicking, and refusing to do what the teacher asks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best Princeable Ever

When I returned from a meeeting yesterday morning I had a note on my desk from one of my students and it read "Once upon a time there was a princeable name Mrs. __________ She is super nice. She is the best princeable ever." It's days like this that remind me why I show up everyday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If your want your child to be success you have to be consistent with consequences and rewards.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gynaecological Exam

I've been an educator for many years and I have never had a parent ask if our clinic performed paps smears. Yes you read it right. A parent came to enroll her son and she asked the office staff if our clinic performed paps smears.

We educate, discipline, feed, and sometimes clothe students. Are we now going to be required to perform physical exams.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Keep them at Home

If your child is throwing up before they come to school please keep them at home.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Training All Week

I have been in training most of the week (3 days) and I can only imagine what awaits me in the morning. Each day I've been away from the building I've had at least 70 emails each day; and I'm sure I'll have plenty of paperwork in my basket when I return tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Safe and Civil Schools and Diversity

I received training, along with the staff on how to create a more safe, and more civil school; and about how to embrace our diverse population of students. The training was great! It just reinforced how we need to continue putting students first regardless of who they are or where they come from.