Monday, August 31, 2009

Today was a good day

Today I was able to complete 11 classroom walk-throughs and put a dent in the ever growing paperwork.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why do some teachers think Principals have all the answers?

It always amazes me how many time teachers come to me expecting me to have all of the answers and to solve all of their problems. When I was in the classroom I never looked to my principal for the answers. I knew my students best and it was up to me to figure out the best way to teach them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Train Keeps Moving

What a busy day. I feel like I'm on a train that won't stop. So much to accomplish before the students return on Monday.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Master Schedule

I can't really decide if everyone is happy about the master schedule, but a schedule cannot be created to benefit individuals. It must be created to benefit students.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Staff Handbok
I'm not sure what takes longer.... writing a staff handbook or presenting it to the staff. I wonder how many staff members actually read it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interview Feedback

I emailed an applicant for an aide position to inform him that he was not selected for the position and he asked if I would call him to give him feedback on the interview. I thought that was an awesome request so I called him later that evening. I shared with him the things he did right and the things he might want to improve. It felt good giving this interview feedback.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Teacher Aide

I think I found an aide for our Pre-K classroom.

She seems like:

1. Someone who loves children.
2. Someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure students are successful.
3. Someone who considers education a career and not a job.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

In Search Of A New Teacher

About 2 weeks ago I discovered that I would have to replace my 5th grade science teacher. Initially I was a little anxious about the thought of having to find a science teacher during summer vacation, but then I stopped and took a breath and realized that it would all work out for the best. So guess what I'll be doing this week.... interviewing applicants. I know I'm going to find someone great. I need someone who thinks of teaching as their career and not their job. Believe it or not there's a big difference.
Rate Your Child's School

Did you know you can go to and rate your child's school.

Why Do You Have To Go Back To School So Early?

You can't imagine how many times I hear the question..."Why do you have to go back to school so early?" I guess the general public has no idea what is involved in running a school; and as principal I can list a number of reasons why I need to go back to school in July. First there's training I have to attend. I have to prepare a staff letter to welcome the staff back, prepare parent letters and parent handbooks, fine tune the master schedule and the staff handbook, interview and hire new staff. These are just a few reasons I have to go back so early.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Are You Seriously Yelling At The Teacher?

It's amazing to me how some students do not hesitate before yelling at their teacher(s). They raise their voice and yell and don't think twice about being incredibly disrespectful. One of our students didn't like what the teacher asked him to do so he began talking back and eventually yelling in the teacher's face. How can any teaching take place when disruptive behavior like this happens more often than you could imagine.