Monday, July 27, 2009

I Hate This School

I was wondering what was going through this child's mind when he started wandering around the classroom yelling "I hate this school". Could it have been something the teacher said or did? Probably not. I've found that often times the most disruptive student creates a disruption because he or she (usually he) is avoiding an academic task. The avoidance is there because he/she is below grade level and doesn't feel capable of completing the task.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've got to get motivated

I've got to get motivated. I will be back at school on Tuesday and there is so much to do before I even hit the campus.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones...... And Yes, Words Really Hurt

A student was brought to the office because he spit on another student and said he would kill him. All of this because the student wouldn't get off the swing. Educators have to teach so much more than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Get Off The Wall

A teacher asked a student to get off the wall while the class was lined up in the hallway and the student responds by saying, "Okay B#@#*. This is what I'm confronted with as I walk out of my office to visit some classrooms. Needless to say, those classroom visits were put on hold.